Home / Case Studies / Playtopia – Halifax

We designed, manufactured and installed new soft play in Halifax.



Carl Garnett

Play Ranges:

Adventure Play, Soft Play

Play creations was contacted by Carl. A successful businessman who mad his name as a very established brand developer as well as home developer. Carl had recently purchased an already functional and popular soft play business in Halifax. Initially he contacted us to quote for a frame refurbishment but, on a further and honest discussion it was decided a new, fresh frame was needed. The old frame was an old, Chinese designed frame. This style of frame often looks good from the exterior but internally, they lack functionality and practicality. The frame like many old frames was worn with much of the printed artwork and vinyl colour faded. In addition, it had baggy nets and exposed steel. The frame was also constructed in non-standard steel tubing which in turn meant, if we were to refurb, it could have gotten pricy. A site survey took place and a design was presented with a modern, functional adventure play frame. On top of this we incorporated two large open areas. A fully enclosed Sports area and a Cart Track. Both of these were important to carl as he wanted to add something a little different for the kids. The centre also held a more up to date Baby and Toddler area. This system would stay but a relocation of part of the frame was needed to allow access to the toilet and new kitchen area. On top of this a brand-new Baby area was needed with fresh, sensory features and soft toys.

Soft play install

The junior frame held a number of exiting features that the children could climb, swing and slide on. A Large ball pool sat the left of the system with a fun mouse climb to the first floor just next door. The ground floor also held a fun Ariel glide to the rear with two soft splat pads to crash into. A dizzy disc and a number of humps and bash bags sat to the right of the system with a soft log ramp as a second route to the first floor. The ground floor also held one of the two large areas requested by Carl. The cart track was made hi-quality, appliqued vinyl. As this area would get a lot of use, retaining colour and theme was essential so Digi print was definitely not an option. We also incorporated some raised ramps in the road layout to add to the fun. This are was fully enclosed with one way in and out, allowing for control of numbers during sessions.

Adventure Play

The first floor continued the fun challenges. Chicane mirrors, Bash bags, rope bridge and a huge four lane astra slide was just the beginning of exiting features. The first floor gave a number of routes that children could negotiate, with differing levels of challenge. Above the Cart track held the final large area. A huge double height sports are was again fully enclosed with two main entrances. This are replicated a sports field so custom fit astra turf was the ideal floor covering. A pair of basket ball hoops and backboard, in addition two fun sized football goals at each end of the frame. The second and final floor extended the fun to the sky. A large climbing area was situated at the centre of the frame with fun challenges surrounding. A balance beam, V-Net Bridge, Log ramp and bouncy balls always attract those little adrenaline seekers so we had to include them. Finally, two huge fibreglass features finished the play area. A fun crawl tube sat to the left as well as a huge 540-degree tube slide, descending to the ground floor. Fibreglass features bring a added finishing touch to a system as they can come in colourful, vibrant colours. They can act as a focal point or can fill any dead zones in and around a play system.
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Toddler and baby soft play

As the toddler frame was staying, we did need to make a few changes. Also, a new baby area was needed as it was starting to look a little worn. We moved six of the grids which sat to the right of the system and moved them to the front. Suspending over part of the baby are it provided a perfect area to include some of our sensory features that require less external light. The Baby area included two fun interactive games panels that were mounted on soft wall boards. If this wasn’t enough, our most popular feature, the ‘LED Infinity Mirror’ gave a fun light illusion. An array of new applique soft animals was also added. In the opposite corner we encased an interactive, colour changing LED light tube. These like the Infinity mirror are a great sensory feature that can hugely benefit child development. We don’t like to waste space so finally we mounted a bespoke, twinkling fibre optic star cloth to the roof. We feel this really finished the area and added the extra ‘WOW’ factor.

Watch the Playtopia Soft Play – Halifax project.